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米环7小程序 谷歌日历1.1V every thing fixed

I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






Я іноземець, тому це лише переклад Google.

У моїй попередній версії ви, хлопці, сказали мені, що програма не працює. А деякі з вас навіть сказали, що вона навіть не встановлюється. Тож я тут із новою версією, яку я перевірив на собі. Отже, що нового

1) піктограма вишуканіша, як і календар Google.
2) усі ваші проблеми будуть вирішені.
3) додано програму календаря. Отже, як відкрити програму календаря. Проведіть пальцем ліворуч, щоб відкрити календар. І на першій сторінці ви побачите, скільки днів залишилося до цієї події.

Єдина проблема, яку я можу з’ясувати, полягає в тому, що програмі потрібен час, щоб відкритися, вона не відкривається миттєво, як іншим програмам, це потребує часу. Наприклад, від 8 до 10 секунд.

Будь ласка, наберіться терпіння. Інша справа: якщо ви проведете пальцем ліворуч на чорному екрані, він трохи затримається, і я думаю, що він навіть перезапуститься. Тож, будь ласка, наберіться терпіння та зачекайте, доки програма відкриється, а потім можете провести пальцем ліворуч, щоб переглянути програму календаря .

Аплети розробників зворотного відліку mengh04.
Календар: zzt741
І, звичайно, мій найкращий друг, який допоміг мені кодувати zqx666. Я хочу подякувати вам усім від усього серця

У моїй попередній версії ви сказали мені, що програма не працює. Деякі з вас навіть кажуть, що його навіть не встановлено. Отже, у мене є нова версія, яку я випробував на собі. Так що нового

1) Піктограми стали більш досконалими, як у Календарі Google.

2) Усі ваші проблеми будуть вирішені.

3) Додано програму-календар. Отже, як відкрити програму Календар. Проведіть пальцем ліворуч, і ви отримаєте календар. На першій сторінці ви побачите, скільки днів залишилося до цієї події.

Єдина проблема, яку я бачу, полягає в тому, що програмі потрібен час, щоб відкритися, вона не вимагає часу, щоб відкритися одразу, як інші програми. Наприклад, 8-10 секунд.

Тому, будь ласка, будьте терплячі. Інша справа, що якщо провести пальцем ліворуч по чорному екрану, він трохи затримується, і я думаю, що він навіть перезавантажується. Тож наберіться терпіння та зачекайте, поки програма відкриється, а потім проведіть пальцем ліворуч, щоб побачити програму Календар.
amogus tutuututut
I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart

이전 버전에서는 응용 프로그램이 작동하지 않는 것을 알려주셨습니다. 여러분 중 일부는 심지어 설치되지 않은 것을 알려줍니다. 그래서 여기에 내가 테스트 한 새로운 버전이 있습니다. 그래서 새로운 것은 무엇입니까?

1) 구글 캘린더처럼 더 세련된 아이콘.

2) 모든 문제가 해결됩니다.

3) 캘린더 응용 프로그램이 추가되었습니다. 그런 다음 캘린더 응용 프로그램을 여는 방법. 왼쪽으로 스와이프하면 캘린더가 표시됩니다. 첫 페이지에는 이 활동이 남은 일 수를 확인할 수 있습니다.

내가 발견 할 수있는 유일한 문제는 응용 프로그램을 여는 데 시간이 걸리고 다른 응용 프로그램과 마찬가지로 즉시 여는 데 시간이 걸리지 않는다는 것입니다. 예를 들어 8초에서 10초 사이입니다.

그래서 기다려주십시오. 또 다른 것은 검은 화면에서 왼쪽으로 스와이프하면 약간 지연되고 다시 시작될 수도 있다고 생각합니다. 그래서 응용 프로그램이 열릴 때까지 기다려주십시오, 당신은 달력 응용 프로그램을 보려면 왼쪽으로 스와이프 할 수 있습니다.
I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart







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