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米环7小程序 谷歌日历1.1V every thing fixed

I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

Quindi, per favore, sii paziente. Un'altra cosa è che se scorri verso sinistra sullo schermo nero, ritarderà un po' e penso che si riavvierà anche. Quindi, sii paziente e attendi che l'app si apra e poi puoi scorrere a sinistra per vedere l'applicazione del calendario .

Applet di sviluppatori conto alla rovescia mengh04 .
Calendario: zzt741
E ovviamente il mio migliore amico che mi ha aiutato a programmare zqx666. Voglio ringraziarvi tutti dal profondo del mio cuore

Nella mia versione precedente, voi ragazzi mi avete detto che l'app non funzionava. Alcuni di voi stanno persino dicendo che non è nemmeno installato. Quindi qui ho una nuova versione che ho testato io stesso. Allora che c'è di nuovo

1) Le icone sono più raffinate, proprio come Google Calendar.

2) Tutti i tuoi problemi saranno risolti.

3) Aggiunta un'applicazione calendario. Quindi, come aprire l'app Calendario. Scorri verso sinistra e otterrai il calendario. Nella prima pagina vedrai quanti giorni sono rimasti per questo evento.

L'unico problema che posso trovare è che l'app richiede tempo per aprirsi non richiede tempo per aprirsi subito come altre app. Tipo da 8 a 10 secondi.

Quindi per favore sii paziente. Un'altra cosa è che se scorri verso sinistra su uno schermo nero, è un po' in ritardo e penso che si riavvii. Quindi sii paziente e attendi che l'app si apra, quindi puoi scorrere verso sinistra per vedere l'app Calendario.
I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

Seien Sie also geduldig. Eine andere Sache ist, dass, wenn Sie auf dem schwarzen Bildschirm nach links wischen, es ein wenig verzögert und ich denke, es würde sogar neu starten. Also seien Sie bitte geduldig und warten Sie, bis sich die App öffnet, und dann können Sie nach links wischen, um die Kalenderanwendung anzuzeigen .

Countdown für Applets von Entwicklern mengh04 .
Kalender: zzt741
Und natürlich mein bester Kumpel, der mir geholfen hat, zqx666 zu codieren.Ich möchte euch allen von ganzem Herzen danken

In meiner vorherigen Version haben Sie mir gesagt, dass die App nicht funktioniert. Einige von Ihnen sagen sogar, dass es nicht einmal installiert ist. Hier habe ich also eine neue Version, die ich selbst getestet habe. Was gibt es Neues

1) Die Symbole sind verfeinert, genau wie bei Google Kalender.

2) Alle Ihre Probleme werden gelöst.

3) Kalenderanwendung hinzugefügt. So öffnen Sie die Kalender-App. Wischen Sie nach links und Sie erhalten den Kalender. Auf der ersten Seite sehen Sie, wie viele Tage noch für dieses Ereignis übrig sind.

Das einzige Problem, das ich feststellen kann, ist, dass das Öffnen der App einige Zeit in Anspruch nimmt. Es dauert nicht wie bei anderen Apps, sie sofort zu öffnen. Etwa 8 bis 10 Sekunden.

Also haben Sie bitte etwas Geduld. Eine andere Sache ist, dass, wenn Sie auf einem schwarzen Bildschirm nach links wischen, es etwas verzögert und ich glaube, es startet sogar neu. Seien Sie also geduldig und warten Sie, bis sich die App öffnet. Wischen Sie dann nach links, um die Kalender-App anzuzeigen.
I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart







I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart







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