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  • 米坛社区祝各位2025年新年快乐,身体健康,万事如意!

米环7小程序 谷歌日历1.1V every thing fixed

I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






what a wonderful APP!
I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






Είμαι ξένος, επομένως είναι απλώς μια μετάφραση Google .

Στην προηγούμενη έκδοση μου είπατε ότι η εφαρμογή δεν λειτουργεί. Και κάποιοι από εσάς είπαν ότι δεν γίνεται καν εγκατάσταση. Είμαι λοιπόν εδώ με μια νέα έκδοση που έχω δοκιμάσει τον εαυτό μου. Λοιπόν τι νέο υπάρχει καλά

1) το εικονίδιο είναι πιο εκλεπτυσμένο όπως το ημερολόγιο Google.
2) όλα τα προβλήματά σας θα λυθούν.
3) πρόσθεσε μια εφαρμογή ημερολογίου. Πώς να ανοίξετε λοιπόν μια εφαρμογή ημερολογίου . Σύρετε προς τα αριστερά για να δείτε ένα ημερολόγιο. Και στην πρώτη σελίδα θα λάβετε πόσες ημέρες απομένουν για αυτήν την εκδήλωση.

Το μόνο πρόβλημα που μπορώ να ανακαλύψω είναι ότι η εφαρμογή χρειάζεται χρόνο για να ανοίξει, δεν θα ανοίξει αμέσως καθώς άλλες εφαρμογές θα πάρει χρόνο. Περίπου 8 έως 10 δευτερόλεπτα.

Οπότε παρακαλώ να είστε υπομονετικοί. Ένα άλλο πράγμα είναι ότι αν κάνετε σάρωση προς τα αριστερά στη μαύρη οθόνη θα καθυστερήσει λίγο και νομίζω ότι θα έκανε ακόμη και επανεκκίνηση. Επομένως, παρακαλούμε να είστε υπομονετικοί και να περιμένετε να ανοίξει η εφαρμογή και, στη συνέχεια, μπορείτε να σύρετε προς τα αριστερά, δείτε την εφαρμογή ημερολογίου.

Applets των προγραμματιστών αντίστροφη μέτρηση mengh04 .
Ημερολόγιο : zzt741
Και φυσικά ο καλύτερός μου φίλος που με βοήθησε να κωδικοποιήσω zqx666. Θέλω να σας ευχαριστήσω όλους μέσα από την καρδιά μου

Στην προηγούμενη έκδοσή μου, μου είπατε ότι η εφαρμογή δεν λειτουργούσε. Μερικοί από εσάς είπαν ότι δεν είχε καν εγκατασταθεί. Εδώ λοιπόν έχω μια νέα έκδοση που έχω δοκιμάσει μόνος μου. λοιπόν, τι νέα

1) Τα εικονίδια είναι πιο εκλεπτυσμένα, όπως το Ημερολόγιο Google.

2) Όλα τα προβλήματά σας θα λυθούν.

3) Προστέθηκε μια εφαρμογή ημερολογίου. Πώς να ανοίξετε λοιπόν την εφαρμογή Ημερολόγιο. Σύρετε προς τα αριστερά και θα λάβετε το ημερολόγιο. Στην πρώτη σελίδα, θα δείτε πόσες ημέρες απομένουν για αυτό το συμβάν.

Το μόνο πρόβλημα που μπορώ να βρω είναι ότι η εφαρμογή χρειάζεται χρόνο για να ανοίξει, δεν ανοίγει αμέσως όπως άλλες εφαρμογές, χρειάζεται χρόνο. Περίπου 8 έως 10 δευτερόλεπτα.

Παρακαλώ λοιπόν να είστε υπομονετικοί. Ένα άλλο πράγμα είναι ότι αν σαρώσεις προς τα αριστερά σε μια μαύρη οθόνη, υστερεί λίγο, νομίζω ότι κάνει και επανεκκίνηση. Επομένως, κάντε υπομονή και περιμένετε να ανοίξει η εφαρμογή και, στη συνέχεια, μπορείτε να σύρετε προς τα αριστερά για να δείτε την εφαρμογή Ημερολόγιο.
I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart






I am a foreigner so that's just a Google translation .

On my previous version you guys told me the app is not working . And some of you even told that it's not even installing. So I am here with a new version I have tested my self. So what's new well

1)icon is more refined just like google calendar.
2)all your problems will be solved .
3)added a calendar app. So how to open a calendar app . Swipe left than you will get a calendar. And on the first page you will get how many days are left for this event.

The only problem that I can find out is that the app takes time to open it won't open instantly as other apps it will take time . Like 8 to 10 seconds.

So pls be patient. Another thing is that if you will swipe left on black screen it will lag a bit and I think it would even restart. So pls be patient and wait for the app to open and then you can swipe left see calendar application.

Applets of developers countdown mengh04 .
Calendar : zzt741
And ofcourse my best buddy who helped me how to code zqx666. I want to thank you all from my bottom of my heart







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