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米环7小程序 所以终于等到了。谷歌日历终于来了,有 50 个活动。更新后会有更多活动。

Atualmente, existem alguns problemas. 1 O problema é que o ícone não é muito polido, então vou fazer esse ícone como um calendário do Google ou algo assim. A segunda coisa é que existem apenas 50 eventos e nenhum deles é em chinês. Mas garanto que adicionarei eventos e informações em chinês. Portanto, fique atento, não sei quando vou postar, mas posso dizer uma coisa, será lançado mais cedo.

Se você deslizar para a esquerda, obterá outro aplicativo
Deixando nossos desenvolvedores esforçados como mengh04, zzt714 e meu melhor cara que me ajudou a codificar o zqx666. Quero agradecer do fundo do meu coração. Eu estava fazendo um applet que conta os dias, mas mengh04 já tinha feito, então peguei o applet dele. se este aplicativo não puder ser instalado em seu dispositivo, tente esta versão. Fiz isso especialmente para vocês Tópico 'Google Calendar 1.1V tudo corrigido' https://www.bandbbs.cn/threads/4861/
目前存在一些问题。 1 问题是图标不是很精致,所以我将把这个图标制作成谷歌日历之类的。第二件事是只有50个事件,而且没有一个是中文的。但我向你们保证,我将添加中文事件和信息。所以请继续关注 idk,我什么时候会发布,但我可以说一件事它会提前发布。

If you swipe left you will get another app
离开我们辛勤工作的开发人员,如 mengh04、zzt714 和我最好的家伙,他帮助我编写 zqx666 代码。我从心底里想要谢谢你。我正在制作一个倒计时日的小程序,但 mengh04 已经制作了,所以我拿走了他的小程序。if this app can't be installed in your device so try this version I made this specialy for you guys Thread '谷歌日历1.1V every thing fixed' https://www.bandbbs.cn/threads/4861/
目前存在一些问题。 1 问题是图标不是很精致,所以我将把这个图标制作成谷歌日历之类的。第二件事是只有50个事件,而且没有一个是中文的。但我向你们保证,我将添加中文事件和信息。所以请继续关注 idk,我什么时候会发布,但我可以说一件事它会提前发布。

If you swipe left you will get another app
离开我们辛勤工作的开发人员,如 mengh04、zzt714 和我最好的家伙,他帮助我编写 zqx666 代码。我从心底里想要谢谢你。我正在制作一个倒计时日的小程序,但 mengh04 已经制作了,所以我拿走了他的小程序。if this app can't be installed in your device so try this version I made this specialy for you guys Thread '谷歌日历1.1V every thing fixed' https://www.bandbbs.cn/threads/4861/
目前存在一些问题。 1 问题是图标不是很精致,所以我将把这个图标制作成谷歌日历之类的。第二件事是只有50个事件,而且没有一个是中文的。但我向你们保证,我将添加中文事件和信息。所以请继续关注 idk,我什么时候会发布,但我可以说一件事它会提前发布。

If you swipe left you will get another app
离开我们辛勤工作的开发人员,如 mengh04、zzt714 和我最好的家伙,他帮助我编写 zqx666 代码。我从心底里想要谢谢你。我正在制作一个倒计时日的小程序,但 mengh04 已经制作了,所以我拿走了他的小程序。if this app can't be installed in your device so try this version I made this specialy for you guys Thread '谷歌日历1.1V every thing fixed' https://www.bandbbs.cn/threads/4861/
目前存在一些问题。 1 问题是图标不是很精致,所以我将把这个图标制作成谷歌日历之类的。第二件事是只有50个事件,而且没有一个是中文的。但我向你们保证,我将添加中文事件和信息。所以请继续关注 idk,我什么时候会发布,但我可以说一件事它会提前发布。

If you swipe left you will get another app
离开我们辛勤工作的开发人员,如 mengh04、zzt714 和我最好的家伙,他帮助我编写 zqx666 代码。我从心底里想要谢谢你。我正在制作一个倒计时日的小程序,但 mengh04 已经制作了,所以我拿走了他的小程序。if this app can't be installed in your device so try this version I made this specialy for you guys Thread '谷歌日历1.1V every thing fixed' https://www.bandbbs.cn/threads/4861/
There are currently some issues. 1 The problem is that the icon is not very polished, so I'm going to make this icon like a google calendar or something. The second thing is that there are only 50 events, and none of them are in Chinese. But I assure you that I will add events and information in Chinese. So stay tuned idk when i will post it but i can say one thing it will be released early.

If you swipe left you will get another app
Leaving our hard working developers like mengh04, zzt714 and my best guy who helped me code the zqx666. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I was making an applet that counts down the days, but mengh04 already made it, so I took his applet. if this app can't be installed in your device so try this version I made this specially for you guys Thread 'Google Calendar 1.1V everything fixed' https://www.bandbbs.cn/threads/4861/
目前存在一些问题。 1 问题是图标不是很精致,所以我将把这个图标制作成谷歌日历之类的。第二件事是只有50个事件,而且没有一个是中文的。但我向你们保证,我将添加中文事件和信息。所以请继续关注 idk,我什么时候会发布,但我可以说一件事它会提前发布。

If you swipe left you will get another app
离开我们辛勤工作的开发人员,如 mengh04、zzt714 和我最好的家伙,他帮助我编写 zqx666 代码。我从心底里想要谢谢你。我正在制作一个倒计时日的小程序,但 mengh04 已经制作了,所以我拿走了他的小程序。if this app can't be installed in your device so try this version I made this specialy for you guys Thread '谷歌日历1.1V every thing fixed' https://www.bandbbs.cn/threads/4861/
目前存在一些问题。 1 问题是图标不是很精致,所以我将把这个图标制作成谷歌日历之类的。第二件事是只有50个事件,而且没有一个是中文的。但我向你们保证,我将添加中文事件和信息。所以请继续关注 idk,我什么时候会发布,但我可以说一件事它会提前发布。

If you swipe left you will get another app
离开我们辛勤工作的开发人员,如 mengh04、zzt714 和我最好的家伙,他帮助我编写 zqx666 代码。我从心底里想要谢谢你。我正在制作一个倒计时日的小程序,但 mengh04 已经制作了,所以我拿走了他的小程序。if this app can't be installed in your device so try this version I made this specialy for you guys Thread '谷歌日历1.1V every thing fixed' https://www.bandbbs.cn/threads/4861/
目前存在一些问题。 1 问题是图标不是很精致,所以我将把这个图标制作成谷歌日历之类的。第二件事是只有50个事件,而且没有一个是中文的。但我向你们保证,我将添加中文事件和信息。所以请继续关注 idk,我什么时候会发布,但我可以说一件事它会提前发布。

If you swipe left you will get another app
离开我们辛勤工作的开发人员,如 mengh04、zzt714 和我最好的家伙,他帮助我编写 zqx666 代码。我从心底里想要谢谢你。我正在制作一个倒计时日的小程序,但 mengh04 已经制作了,所以我拿走了他的小程序。if this app can't be installed in your device so try this version I made this specialy for you guys Thread '谷歌日历1.1V every thing fixed' https://www.bandbbs.cn/threads/4861/
Al momento ci sono alcuni problemi. 1 Il problema è che l'icona non è molto rifinita, quindi creerò questa icona come un calendario di Google o qualcosa del genere. La seconda cosa è che ci sono solo 50 eventi e nessuno di questi è in cinese. Ma vi assicuro che aggiungerò eventi e informazioni in cinese. Quindi rimanete sintonizzati, non so quando lo pubblicherò, ma posso dire una cosa che verrà rilasciato presto.

Se scorri verso sinistra otterrai un'altra app
Lasciando i nostri sviluppatori che lavorano sodo come mengh04, zzt714 e il mio miglior ragazzo che mi ha aiutato a codificare zqx666. Voglio ringraziarti dal profondo del mio cuore. Stavo creando un'applet che conta i giorni, ma mengh04 ce l'ha già fatta, quindi ho preso la sua applet. se questa app non può essere installata sul tuo dispositivo, prova questa versione che ho creato appositamente per te ragazzi Discussione "Google Calendar 1.1V tutto risolto" https://www.bandbbs.cn/threads/4861/
hHello thanks
目前存在一些问题。 1 问题是图标不是很精致,所以我将把这个图标制作成谷歌日历之类的。第二件事是只有50个事件,而且没有一个是中文的。但我向你们保证,我将添加中文事件和信息。所以请继续关注 idk,我什么时候会发布,但我可以说一件事它会提前发布。

If you swipe left you will get another app
离开我们辛勤工作的开发人员,如 mengh04、zzt714 和我最好的家伙,他帮助我编写 zqx666 代码。我从心底里想要谢谢你。我正在制作一个倒计时日的小程序,但 mengh04 已经制作了,所以我拿走了他的小程序。if this app can't be installed in your device so try this version I made this specialy for you guys Thread '谷歌日历1.1V every thing fixed' https://www.bandbbs.cn/threads/4861/
目前存在一些问题。 1 问题是图标不是很精致,所以我将把这个图标制作成谷歌日历之类的。第二件事是只有50个事件,而且没有一个是中文的。但我向你们保证,我将添加中文事件和信息。所以请继续关注 idk,我什么时候会发布,但我可以说一件事它会提前发布。

If you swipe left you will get another app
离开我们辛勤工作的开发人员,如 mengh04、zzt714 和我最好的家伙,他帮助我编写 zqx666 代码。我从心底里想要谢谢你。我正在制作一个倒计时日的小程序,但 mengh04 已经制作了,所以我拿走了他的小程序。if this app can't be installed in your device so try this version I made this specialy for you guys Thread '谷歌日历1.1V every thing fixed' https://www.bandbbs.cn/threads/4861/
目前存在一些问题。 1 问题是图标不是很精致,所以我将把这个图标制作成谷歌日历之类的。第二件事是只有50个事件,而且没有一个是中文的。但我向你们保证,我将添加中文事件和信息。所以请继续关注 idk,我什么时候会发布,但我可以说一件事它会提前发布。

If you swipe left you will get another app
离开我们辛勤工作的开发人员,如 mengh04、zzt714 和我最好的家伙,他帮助我编写 zqx666 代码。我从心底里想要谢谢你。我正在制作一个倒计时日的小程序,但 mengh04 已经制作了,所以我拿走了他的小程序。if this app can't be installed in your device so try this version I made this specialy for you guys Thread '谷歌日历1.1V every thing fixed' https://www.bandbbs.cn/threads/4861/

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