
米环7小程序 Mi band 7 vibrator mini program english version

Συγγνώμη για την καθυστερημένη δημοσίευση επειδή οι προγραμματιστές κρυπτογραφούσαν κωδικούς idk γιατί παρόλο που τους παρέχω πίστωση και επίσης τους εκτιμώ. Λοιπόν, εδώ είναι η αγγλική έκδοση του προγράμματος mini vibrator. Δεν είναι απλώς μια αγγλική έκδοση, αλλά έχω βελτιστοποιήσει τώρα πολλά πράγματα αφήστε το εφαρμογή . Όπως τα κουμπιά είναι μεγαλύτερα ή η ακτίνα είναι μεγαλύτερη. Και το κείμενο του κουμπιού είναι επίσης μεγαλύτερο από πριν, το οποίο φαίνεται πιο εύκολο. Και επίσης είναι πιο γυαλισμένο από πριν .

Αλλά και πάλι δεν μπορώ να ξεχάσω να ευχαριστήσω τον προγραμματιστή Minecraft xuefengjun. Μην ξεχάσετε να τον ακολουθήσετε. Μόλις έκανα μεταφράσεις και βελτιστοποίηση, αλλά είναι πραγματικόςα
Извините за позднюю публикацию, потому что разработчики зашифровали там коды idk why, хотя я отдаю им должное и также ценю их. Ну, в любом случае, здесь это английская версия мини-программы vibrator. Это не просто английская версия, но теперь я многое оптимизировал в этом апплете. Например, кнопки больше или радиус больше. И текст кнопки также больше, чем раньше, что облегчает просмотр. А также он стал более отполированным, чем раньше.

Но все же я не могу забыть поблагодарить разработчика Minecraft xuefengjun. Не забывай следовать за ним . Я только что сделал переводы и немного оптимизировал, но он настоящий герой
Sorry for posting late because developers encrypted there codes idk why even though I provide them credit and also appreciate them . Well anyway here it's the English version of vibrator mini program. Its not just an English version but I have now optimized many things in this applet . Like the buttons are larger or radius is more. And the button text is also larger than before which is easier to look. And also it's more polished than before .

But still I cant forget to thanks the developer Minecraft xuefengjun. Don't forget to follow him . I just did translations and some optimization but he is a real hero
Sorry for posting late because developers encrypted there codes idk why even though I provide them credit and also appreciate them . Well anyway here it's the English version of vibrator mini program. Its not just an English version but I have now optimized many things in this applet . Like the buttons are larger or radius is more. And the button text is also larger than before which is easier to look. And also it's more polished than before .

But still I cant forget to thanks the developer Minecraft xuefengjun. Don't forget to follow him . I just did translations and some optimization but he is a real hero
Sorry for posting late because developers encrypted there codes idk why even though I provide them credit and also appreciate them . Well anyway here it's the English version of vibrator mini program. Its not just an English version but I have now optimized many things in this applet . Like the buttons are larger or radius is more. And the button text is also larger than before which is easier to look. And also it's more polished than before .

But still I cant forget to thanks the developer Minecraft xuefengjun. Don't forget to follow him . I just did translations and some optimization but he is a real hero
Sorry for posting late because developers encrypted there codes idk why even though I provide them credit and also appreciate them . Well anyway here it's the English version of vibrator mini program. Its not just an English version but I have now optimized many things in this applet . Like the buttons are larger or radius is more. And the button text is also larger than before which is easier to look. And also it's more polished than before .

But still I cant forget to thanks the developer Minecraft xuefengjun. Don't forget to follow him . I just did translations and some optimization but he is a real hero
Извините за поздний пост, потому что разработчики зашифровали там коды, не знаю почему, хотя я отдаю им должное и также ценю их. Ну, в любом случае, это английская версия мини-программы вибратора. Это не просто английская версия, но теперь я оптимизировал многие вещи. Кнопки стали крупнее или радиус стал больше, текст на кнопке больше, чем раньше, на него легче смотреть, а также он более отполирован, чем раньше.

Но все же я не могу не поблагодарить разработчика Minecraft xuefengjun. Не забудьте подписаться на него. Я только что сделал перевод и немного оптимизировал, но он настоящий герой.
Sorry for posting late because developers encrypted there codes idk why even though I provide them credit and also appreciate them . Well anyway here it's the English version of vibrator mini program. Its not just an English version but I have now optimized many things in this applet . Like the buttons are larger or radius is more. And the button text is also larger than before which is easier to look. And also it's more polished than before .

But still I cant forget to thanks the developer Minecraft xuefengjun. Don't forget to follow him . I just did translations and some optimization but he is a real hero
Sorry for posting late because developers encrypted there codes idk why even though I provide them credit and also appreciate them . Well anyway here it's the English version of vibrator mini program. Its not just an English version but I have now optimized many things in this applet . Like the buttons are larger or radius is more. And the button text is also larger than before which is easier to look. And also it's more polished than before .

But still I cant forget to thanks the developer Minecraft xuefengjun. Don't forget to follow him . I just did translations and some optimization but he is a real hero
Sorry for posting late because developers encrypted there codes idk why even though I provide them credit and also appreciate them . Well anyway here it's the English version of vibrator mini program. Its not just an English version but I have now optimized many things in this applet . Like the buttons are larger or radius is more. And the button text is also larger than before which is easier to look. And also it's more polished than before .

But still I cant forget to thanks the developer Minecraft xuefengjun. Don't forget to follow him . I just did translations and some optimization but he is a real hero

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