
米环7小程序 Mi fitness

# 1550



Lv 1.161803(φ, phi)
Eacorpion submitted a new resource:

Mi fitness V1.5.0. - New version

What new?

Errors fixed:

now you can move trought the without any perturbation

In past,I put distance target as 80000, now is 8000


Calorie target have been set to 500( previous version was 2000)

Whats new:

Added a bar that say your aproximately status of this things( stand, step, calories)

Added workout interface, so you can enter workout program via this app

When you enter calorie program click on the weidght to see how many burgers, chips and nuggets you have consume

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It's great to add a quick function to enable sports mode. But the picture of moving people at the top has been replaced with three progress bars, which I personally think is not as coordinated as the previous version. And what data the three progress bars represent is not so intuitive and clear.
It's great to add a quick function to enable sports mode. But the picture of moving people at the top has been replaced with three progress bars, which I personally think is not as coordinated as the previous version. And what data the three progress bars represent is not so intuitive and clear.
My personal suggestion is that you can set it to enter the sports mode on the basis of version 1.0 by clicking the picture of the moving person at the top. The original 1.0 version applet will enter the system's exercise data by clicking on the image of the person in motion, but the applet itself can already display the relevant exercise data, so it is not necessary to jump to the official data display interface.In addition, you can add a column to display the heart rate data.
My personal suggestion is that you can set it to enter the sports mode on the basis of version 1.0 by clicking the picture of the moving person at the top. The original 1.0 version applet will enter the system's exercise data by clicking on the image of the person in motion, but the applet itself can already display the relevant exercise data, so it is not necessary to jump to the official data display interface.In addition, you can add a column to display the heart rate data.
Ok, My idea was, in version1.0put data like strass pau, heart rate, etc, but i get in a trouble

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