侯侯大神 Lv.1 社区会员 2019-08-27 #1 Amazfit Verge lite's new firmware will be updated in mid-September 因为之前跟华米客服打了电话,已经两个月没更新了,找12315告知了情况。?
Amazfit Verge lite's new firmware will be updated in mid-September 因为之前跟华米客服打了电话,已经两个月没更新了,找12315告知了情况。?
侯侯大神 Lv.1 社区会员 2019-09-29 #8 Leaogamecell 说: Alguma data ou informação sobre uma atualização? 点击展开... They're now talking about an October update, and I don't have any hope for them. I often call them and give them feedback. I haven't updated them yet.
Leaogamecell 说: Alguma data ou informação sobre uma atualização? 点击展开... They're now talking about an October update, and I don't have any hope for them. I often call them and give them feedback. I haven't updated them yet.
Leaogamecell Guest 2019-10-05 #10 disappointed with the lack of update and information from amazfit verge lite, this watch is abandoned by HUAMI! disappointment!!!
disappointed with the lack of update and information from amazfit verge lite, this watch is abandoned by HUAMI! disappointment!!!
侯侯大神 Lv.1 社区会员 2019-11-07 #17 wswd627 说: 大神 智能青春现在表盘ios更换只能手动么?是不是一次只能储存一个表盘想要更换别的还得手动改名字 点击展开... 之前在ios可以手动修改,最近听说amazfit更新后在手机已经找不到amazfit目录了,似乎不能手动改了。你试试这个ios的软件https://amazfitwatchfaces.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=875&p=2673&hilit=ios#p2673
wswd627 说: 大神 智能青春现在表盘ios更换只能手动么?是不是一次只能储存一个表盘想要更换别的还得手动改名字 点击展开... 之前在ios可以手动修改,最近听说amazfit更新后在手机已经找不到amazfit目录了,似乎不能手动改了。你试试这个ios的软件https://amazfitwatchfaces.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=875&p=2673&hilit=ios#p2673
wswd627 Lv.0 社区会员 2019-11-07 #18 侯侯大神 说: 之前在ios可以手动修改,最近听说amazfit更新后在手机已经找不到amazfit目录了,似乎不能手动改了。你试试这个ios的软件https://amazfitwatchfaces.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=875&p=2673&hilit=ios#p2673 点击展开... 如果这个软件用不成ios是不是目前就没办法换表盘了
侯侯大神 说: 之前在ios可以手动修改,最近听说amazfit更新后在手机已经找不到amazfit目录了,似乎不能手动改了。你试试这个ios的软件https://amazfitwatchfaces.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=875&p=2673&hilit=ios#p2673 点击展开... 如果这个软件用不成ios是不是目前就没办法换表盘了