anonymous902 Lv.0 社区会员 2019-08-10 #1 I'm not responsible for bricked device. I am not responsible for brick equipment. 展开折叠内容: Requirements MB4 Non-NFC [Chinese and Global] Firmware 展开折叠内容: required MB4 non-NFC [China and Global] firmware 附件 Glow UI.res 977.7 KB 127次 下载 V62.mod.GLOW_UI.V.1.0.res 1.1 MB 4次 下载 V60.mod.GLOW_UI.V.1.0.res 1,023.7 KB 7次 下载
I'm not responsible for bricked device. I am not responsible for brick equipment. 展开折叠内容: Requirements MB4 Non-NFC [Chinese and Global] Firmware 展开折叠内容: required MB4 non-NFC [China and Global] firmware
KINDYEAR 米坛站长 🛠️米坛站长 ⚡认证创作者 🔥创作者 米坛社区百万注册纪念勋章 米坛社区三周年纪念勋章 米坛社区五周年纪念勋章 米坛社区四周年纪念勋章 2019-08-10 #3 good job
anonymous902 Lv.0 社区会员 2019-08-10 #6 yongkui818 说: When heart rate monitoring, a box is displayed around the dynamic graph. It is unsightly and unnatural. If it is repaired, it will be great. 点击展开... 我很快就会解决这个问题
yongkui818 说: When heart rate monitoring, a box is displayed around the dynamic graph. It is unsightly and unnatural. If it is repaired, it will be great. 点击展开... 我很快就会解决这个问题
米环7使用者 Lv.5 社区会员 2023-05-13 #13 anonymous902 说: I'm not responsible for bricked device. I am not responsible for brick equipment. 展开折叠内容: Requirements MB4 Non-NFC [Chinese and Global] Firmware 展开折叠内容: required MB4 non-NFC [China and Global] firmware 浏览附件3076浏览附件3077 点击展开... 6
anonymous902 说: I'm not responsible for bricked device. I am not responsible for brick equipment. 展开折叠内容: Requirements MB4 Non-NFC [Chinese and Global] Firmware 展开折叠内容: required MB4 non-NFC [China and Global] firmware 浏览附件3076浏览附件3077 点击展开... 6