张哈哈 Lv.1 社区会员 2022-09-26 #3 Eacorpion 说: No all people have your tastes 点击展开... No, man What do you mean 点击展开...
FlvLujU Lv 1.161803(φ, phi) 🔥创作者 社区会员 2022-09-26 #4 you are asking me why there aren´t do what you are saying, and i´m telling you that not all people like the things you like ( I´m not chinease so have this on count, I traduce your thread to my native idiom)
you are asking me why there aren´t do what you are saying, and i´m telling you that not all people like the things you like ( I´m not chinease so have this on count, I traduce your thread to my native idiom)