2311995849 Lv.0 社区会员 2022-09-25 #1 Is there anyone who can change the message bar of Mi Band 7 into a shortcut function bar?
FlvLujU Lv 1.161803(φ, phi) 🔥创作者 社区会员 2022-09-25 #3 2311995849 说: 有没有哪位大佬可以把小米手环7的消息栏改为快捷功能栏 点击展开... As i know, mi band 7 doesn´t have a url param for notifications, until zepp os incorpore this, program direct access will be imppossible
2311995849 说: 有没有哪位大佬可以把小米手环7的消息栏改为快捷功能栏 点击展开... As i know, mi band 7 doesn´t have a url param for notifications, until zepp os incorpore this, program direct access will be imppossible