Yeah, many people have started a threaf of resources for mb7, but i have a great idea that only require a very basic conceps of zepp os syntax
Well, this is idea:
1º: download helloworld applet
2º: change app icon into the program you will like to start
3º: In index.page1 put this code:
hmApp.startApp({ url: 'app to start', native: true })
4º: App to start
Change url into the app to start, for refernce, view this thread of avaliable
5º: Quit the real app, so the app with the icon changed will do to it
You can’t put this apps into more app list, for now
You will have to do many times this until have a completely resource pack
Well this it all
Well, this is idea:
1º: download helloworld applet
2º: change app icon into the program you will like to start
3º: In index.page1 put this code:
hmApp.startApp({ url: 'app to start', native: true })
4º: App to start
Change url into the app to start, for refernce, view this thread of avaliable
米环7教程 - 对系统Api: hmApp.startApp(option) 参数的整理
源自大佬分享的连接:传送门 说明:我仅翻译和测试功能,请尊重他人劳动成果。 小程序开发者可能会需要,欢迎下载! 附件是个zip压缩包,解压后打开里面的xlsx文件即可。 预览:

5º: Quit the real app, so the app with the icon changed will do to it
You can’t put this apps into more app list, for now
You will have to do many times this until have a completely resource pack
Well this it all