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问答 How to turn watchface source code to installable .bin? 如何將錶盤源代碼轉換為可安裝的.bin?


(Please know that I do not speak Chinese and use google translate) (請知道我不會說中文並使用谷歌翻譯)
Hello. I have been interested in Mi band 7 development. I found a simulator and documentation and made a basic app, however, I am still trying to figure out how to download the app to my Mi band 7. I have tried using WinRAR to make it a .zip, renaming it to .bin, and installing it, however, it says "synchronization failed" when it's done installing. So, how to turn watchface source code to installable .bin?

你好。 我一直對小米手環 7 的開發很感興趣。 我找到了一個模擬器和文檔並製作了一個基本的應用程序,但是,我仍在試圖弄清楚如何將應用程序下載到我的 Mi band 7。我嘗試使用 WinRAR 將其製作為 .zip,將其重命名為 .bin, 並安裝它,但是,它在安裝完成後顯示“同步失敗”。 那麼,如何將錶盤源代碼轉成可安裝的.bin呢?
You can try downloading any app on bandbbs. Then right click on the .bin file to open it without decompressing, and replace the files inside with your own app.

It's a known issue that standalone apps which are manually compressed from files could not be installed to Mi Band 7. Maybe the problem is caused by your compressing software? I am the author of BandTOTP(original watchface edition). While programming, I just compress files to make a .zip, rename it to .bin and install it. It does work for me. I am using bandizip to do all this work, and you can try it out.

Another possibility is that you have grammar mistakes in your javascript files. You can check if you have those mistakes before installing.
Compress directly to ZIP to change to bin files, which should theoretically work. However, sometimes it does not work. In this case, you can directly use a packaged bin file, open it with the compression tool, and directly replace all your files in it.

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