ismailuygar Lv.3 社区会员 2022-07-30 #1 我下载了 Hello World 应用程序。但我不能改变它的图标。我正在发送一个 100x100 png 文件,但图标显示为黑色。我的中文不好,我是从谷歌翻译中输入的
Rayzggz 米坛站长(技术运维) 🛠️米坛站长 ⚡认证创作者 米坛社区百万注册纪念勋章 米坛社区五周年纪念勋章 米坛社区三周年纪念勋章 米坛社区二周年纪念勋章 2022-07-31 #2 You can refer to the developer documentation at the following link. Mini Program Configuration | Zepp OS Developers Documentation The app.json file in the root of the Mini Program provides global configuration of the whole program. 你可以参考开发文档 Mini Program Configuration | Zepp OS Developers Documentation The app.json file in the root of the Mini Program provides global configuration of the whole program.
You can refer to the developer documentation at the following link. Mini Program Configuration | Zepp OS Developers Documentation The app.json file in the root of the Mini Program provides global configuration of the whole program. 你可以参考开发文档 Mini Program Configuration | Zepp OS Developers Documentation The app.json file in the root of the Mini Program provides global configuration of the whole program.
NEORUAA 米坛站长(社区运营) 🛠️米坛站长 ⚡认证创作者 🔥创作者 NF Miband Pro 米坛社区百万注册纪念勋章 米坛社区一周年纪念勋章 2022-07-31 #3 U need this tool to convert the format of the image to display on the band.😊
ismailuygar Lv.3 社区会员 2022-07-31 #4 NEORUAA 说: Bantta görüntülenecek görüntünün biçimini dönüştürmek için bu araca ihtiyacınız var.😊 点击展开... i dont have a conputer
NEORUAA 说: Bantta görüntülenecek görüntünün biçimini dönüştürmek için bu araca ihtiyacınız var.😊 点击展开... i dont have a conputer