KINDYEAR 米坛站长 🛠️米坛站长 ⚡认证创作者 🔥创作者 米坛社区百万注册纪念勋章 米坛社区三周年纪念勋章 米坛社区五周年纪念勋章 米坛社区四周年纪念勋章 2019-07-01 #2 sa0faikh0k 说: 嗨,所有中国朋友,我来自越南,你可以帮助我使用固件,因为它不支持刷卡但只支持通知...谢谢你看文章 点击展开... Welcome to bandbbs, please describe your problem in detail
sa0faikh0k 说: 嗨,所有中国朋友,我来自越南,你可以帮助我使用固件,因为它不支持刷卡但只支持通知...谢谢你看文章 点击展开... Welcome to bandbbs, please describe your problem in detail
sa0faikh0k Lv.0 社区会员 2019-07-01 #3 kindyear 说: Welcome to bandbbs, please describe your problem in detail 点击展开... hello kindyear. My problem is that the pull-down is displayed as a step, a notification, ... it is not displayed in Vietnamese but displayed in Chinese. You can help me customize its firmware
kindyear 说: Welcome to bandbbs, please describe your problem in detail 点击展开... hello kindyear. My problem is that the pull-down is displayed as a step, a notification, ... it is not displayed in Vietnamese but displayed in Chinese. You can help me customize its firmware