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米环9小程序 Ultimate Xiaomi Smartband 9 Games/Tools/Apps Pack!


EN: Hi, I saw there is a gallery app in your pack and you speak english, so please help me.
So first of all, the app does not ask me for any permission (bluetooth, nearby devices, etc.). But as soon as I connect to mi band 9 it displays this error: I'm not sure if this app just doesn't work on the global version, or if I'm doing something wrong. Can you tell me if the app works for you, and if it does, do you have a chinese or a global version of the mi band?
首先,应用程序没有要求我授予任何权限(蓝牙、附近的设备等)。但只要我连接到 mi Band 9,它就会显示这个错误: 我不知道是这个程序无法在全球版本上运行,还是我做错了什么。您能告诉我这个应用程序对您是否有效吗?如果有效,您使用的是中文版还是全球版的 mi 手环?
EN: Hi, I saw there is a gallery app in your pack and you speak english, so please help me.
So first of all, the app does not ask me for any permission (bluetooth, nearby devices, etc.). But as soon as I connect to mi band 9 it displays this error: I'm not sure if this app just doesn't work on the global version, or if I'm doing something wrong. Can you tell me if the app works for you, and if it does, do you have a chinese or a global version of the mi band?
首先,应用程序没有要求我授予任何权限(蓝牙、附近的设备等)。但只要我连接到 mi Band 9,它就会显示这个错误: 我不知道是这个程序无法在全球版本上运行,还是我做错了什么。您能告诉我这个应用程序对您是否有效吗?如果有效,您使用的是中文版还是全球版的 mi 手环?
Hey! First of all thank you for the comment. Make sure to subscribe, i'll drop some tutorials!
Second of all, go to the app settings (Hold the app in home screen and click icon) and check the permissions (There will be some i think, enable them), make sure you have your Bluetooth on (of course!) and try again. Don't forget to give it background permissions if it asks for them!
Third and lastly i don't think it works with global version (I don't think)

[ I will soon get the chinese version, it's on the way! I'll try the app and get back to your as soon as i get it! ]
Let me tell you how to do。
First close the表盘自定义工具。
Then you should open mi health to connect the band。
After that it is ok。
Open your APP。
It will show that is Connect successful .

That is all , I have another request for you, I am 14 years old this year, But my English writing for this course is very poor, Can you help me? My email is q13637070767@126.com
Looking forward to hearing from you,My name is lixianyu.
Well, in fact, I thinI am am a bit childish,

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